Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Star Wars VIII Postponed!

Disney has officially decided to postpone the release of Star Wars to 15 December 2017. It was originally meant to be released on 26 May 2017 however due to the studios wanting to do similar end-of-year release like 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens', they postponed it till Christmas. Instead of Star Wars VIII being released in March, 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales' is being moved up by Disney from 7 July 2017 to 26 May 2016.

Who knows maybe this will increase the views or possible even multiply them. But then again 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' which also followed this schedule did very well. It became one of the largest grossing films in history while also making a box office of $1.961 billion. If 'Star Wars VIII' follows the example set by its prequel, everyone working on it will suddenly be a whole lot richer!
It's ratings were similarly high:
IMDb: 8.4/10
RottenTomatoes: 92%
Metacritic: 81%

Nothing has been released by Disney about the plot itself, however one of the actors, namely C3-PO, did threaten to release some information. He was quickly shut up by the director of the film Rian Johnson in the form of a small memory from the prequels...Or perhaps a sign that Han may be coming back from the dead, just to shut up C3-PO...

Despite Disney keeping everything hush! hush! a few small details have been discovered by very observant fans. It appears that Gwendoline Christie will reappear as Captain Phasma, although no-one is certain what she will do after escaping the destruction of the Death Star: will she be branded a traitor or will she continue to work for the First Order? Gwendoline Christie's characters are known to be strong survivalists such as her  'Game of Thrones' character Brienne of Tarth on which she performed brilliantly! She certainly deserves a longer amount of showtime in the new film.

Another person who need a longer amount of showtime is none other that Luke Skywalker (played by, as I'm sure you all knew, Mark Hamill). We only saw him standing on the island in the last scene of 'The Force Awaken' so in the new film we are expecting more action from one of the last Jedi.

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