"From the studio that inexplicably sewed his mouth shut the first time, comes... me!"
In its opening weekend it grossed over $135 million. It broke Fifty Shades of Grey's weekend gross by nearly $45 million and also crushed the previous R-rated film opening record by The Matrix Reloaded, set in 2003, of $91.7 million. Also the last R-rated record of a comic adaptation was set by the 300 with $70.8 million. Well we can say that they aren't feeling the love this Valentines.
Of-course it did certainly have some very good reviews. It even got Betty White's seal of approval so I'm totally there in the cinema now...
It was also the largest ever opening weekend for the 20th Century Fox. Their previous record was held by 'Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith' which was $108 million but Deadpool crushed this record too. It also made a giant $125 million worldwide too.
The film itself has been #1 in the charts this week with 'How to be Single' coming in #2. Other new films will be released soon but there doesn't seem to be any competition for next week or the week after so it is most likely that Deadpool will reign king!
IMDb: 8.7/10
Metacritic: 64%
RottenTomatoes: 84%
AND its only going to go up from here!
Be sure to comment your thoughts if you saw Deadpool this weekend too!