Not much is known about the plot for this film but as far as we know, after the events of 'The Man of Steel' the US government has finally allied itself with Superman (aka Clark Kent or Kal-El played by Henry Cavill) when he returns. But battle-weary Batman (aka Bruce Wayne played by Ben Affleck) travels from Gotham holding Superman responsible for the events.
There are some theories that this film will lead to the construction of the Justice League as the animated series has shown to be made by all the DC superheroes together. Furthermore, we know that Wonder Woman (aka Diana Prince played by Gal Gadot), Lex Luthor (played by Jesse Eisenberg), Lois Lane (played by Amy Adams), Aquaman (played by Jason Momoa), Alfred J Pennyworth (played by Jeremy Irons), Cyborg (aka Victor Stone played by Ray Fisher) and Flash (played by Ezra Miller) will also be in the film.
So which side are you on?