Friday, 5 February 2016

Was 'The Last Witch Hunter' really that bad?

Check out the trailer below for a first impression...


The film, directed by Breck Eisner, was released on 23rd October 2015 in the USA with a running time of 1 hour and 46 minutes. Its New York City premiere was held 13th October 2015 at the Loews Lincoln Square. Its box office gained about $126 million during its release by Lionsgate. Unfortunately, reviews have not been very good.

For those who still have not seen it, the plot is essentially that many hundreds of years before present time a witch hunter Kaulder (played by Vin Diesel) slayed the all-powerful Witch Queen (played by Julie Engelbrecht). Before dying she cursed him to immortality so he lost his family in the wind of time and was unable to meet them again in the afterlife. From that day forward Kaulder always had a Dolan to record his activities. 

Now in present day the Witch Queen is once again rising. The 36th Dolan (played by Michael Caine) is retiring and choosing the 37th Dolan (played by Elijah Wood). Sadly, he is killed, as found out by Kaulder and the 37th Dolan, by a witch called Belial (played by Olafur Darri Olafsson). When hunting Belial they receive the assistance of  Chloe (played by Rose Leslie) who's friend was also killed by that witch. As it turns out, Belial intends to be the sacrifice for the revival of the Witch Queen, who is still alive as her life is linked to Kaulder. The trio are able to kill Belial however the Witch Queen is revived by the sacrifice of another witch.

During the final fight, Kaulder is about to kill the Witch Queen and himself to end this once and for all but he is stopped by Chloe saying that the world still needs a witch hunter. The endings shows the heart of the Witch Queen still beating as Kaulder is still alive...


IMDb: 6/10
RottenTomatoes: 16%
Metacritic: 34%

Personally, I didn't find the film all too bad. Sure the plot twists were a bit predictable and cliche and the acting could've been better slightly, but sure it didn't deserve such negative reviews did it? Be sure to leave a comment about what you think and follow for more!