Saturday, 5 March 2016

The Flash: Season 2 so far! And Episode 16 promo

After catching up on the second season of The Flash in one LONG binge watching session, I was left speechless by the end. New plot twists just kept appearing one after the other in unbelievable ways and kept me watching through the emotional roller-coaster. I can't believe what it must have been for the characters if they were real.

If you haven't seen the second season yet be sure to check out the trailer below and don't read on! Unless you want spoilers of course...

So to start, it certainly took me a while to wrap my head around the concept of there being different Earths and universes which could be travelled between. But I finally understood! With the appearance of another Flash, a.k.a Jay Garrick, (played by Teddy Sears) from Earth 2, I felt something was wrong, especially when he was someone whose speed force had bee stolen. With the new arch-nemesis, The Flash brought back what it had lost after the death of Reverse Flash, someone who was Barry's focus to get even faster to be able to beat!

Jay Garrick became such a vital part of the team, helping despite not having his speed force anymore. He was the forebringer of warning to the team about Zoom! It became apparent that Harrison and Jay didn't get on very well on Earth 2 but they seemed to reconcile after Jay saved Harrison's life. But then episode 15 ends with Zoom stabbing Jay Garrick through the chest... only to take off his own mask and be Jay Garrick!

This sent my mind reeling and after reading all possible theories, I'm still really baffled! I guess I'll just have to wait till the break is over on the 22nd of March! Check out the upcoming episodes' promo trailer below...

Explaining the point of there being another Harrison Wells (played by Henry Cavanagh) from Earth 2 is confusing too! The Earth 1 counterpart was the Reverse Flash, who was killed at the end of Season 1. This Harrison Wells had a daughter! Personally, I thought that this season would follow a similar storyline of the last season but everything changed when Harrison Wells began to help Barry. Ofcourse the ulterior motive is that Zoom has his daughter held hostage to steal Barry's speed force like Zoom did with Jay Garrick. I guess Harrison Wells on any Earth all have secrets hidden deep down! But who is the masked man who is also imprisoned with Wells' daughter?

Now, Cisco (played by Carlos Valdes) revealed his powers to everyone! And gave himself a new superb name: Vibe! This was not new news to any watchers since he had been having these visions since his death in the alternate timeline, which was deleted when Barry went back in time in Season 1, at the hands of the Reverse Flash.