Sunday, 31 January 2016

Ride Along 2: In cinemas!

With the sequel to the first Ride Along in cinemas last week, people are queuing up to buy tickets. From the trailer and its predecessor it seems like the perfect sequel to come out in cinemas for a long time. Check out the trailer, trust me you'll enjoy it...

Before I talk about the ratings let me tell you a bit about the story line. The two soon-to-be-brothers-in-law, Ben Barber (played by Kevin Hart) and James Payton (played by Ice Cube) are in Miami attempting to bust a drug ring. Let me just remind you that this a few days before Ben's wedding to Angela Payton, James' sister. In Miami, with the help of computer hacker A.J. (played by Ken Jeong) and homicide detective Maya Cruz (played by Olivia Munn) they find out that a well respected businessman Antonio Pope (played by Benjamin Bratt) is in fact the leader of the ring in South Florida. This leads them into many comical situations.

But then again, this duo is funny in any situation...

But from the reviews I've been seeing, it seems to me like there is no point in buying a cinema ticket just to watch it. AND what more is that even the ratings are really low, worse than the first one, much worse in fact. 


IMDb: 5.8/10
RottenTomatoes: 12%
Metacritic: 32%

Tell me in the comments section or vote on the poll if you think it is worth watching despite the negative reviews.