Saturday, 30 January 2016

Black Sails Season 3 release!

Finally! After about 10 months of waiting, the first episode of the best pirate TV show was finally released on January 23 2015. Now we have episode 2 released today!

Here's the trailer of Season 3 if you accidentally missed it...

The show is so good that they've already decided to make a season 4 before season 3 is even out! In the new season we will be meeting a new Captain Flint, hell-bent on revenge. After the death of his love, it's obvious that he blames England. So he's out for vengeance, so much so that he's willing to go through death itself to get it. Even our fun and composed Long John Silver has changed drastically after his near death experience and his leg being taken off.

Get ready to meet probably the most well known pirate on the seven seas, Edward Teach or as he is better known: Blackbeard! The famous pirate is played by Ray Stevenson. Aye! The same actor that is in Divergent, Thor and Transporter:Refueled! 

A lot has changed from the past two seasons so to catch up just watch Starz's recap of the last season if you forgot...

This series is a must watch for all action and pirate lovers. Even if you don't love these genres, after you watch this TV show, you're sure to fall in love. Tell me how you feel if you end up watching it by commenting below or sending me a message on my google+ .


IMDb: 8.1/10 8.4/10
Metacritic: 58%